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Family Ambassador FAQs

I have the important dates and see that I have a conflict. Should I still apply?

All training and event dates listed are required. If you are aware of any conflicts now, please contact family@northwestern.edu to determine if this will inhibit you from serving as an FA.

I have a conduct violation, so what does that mean for my application?

Our application asks that if you have a violation, you disclose that to Family Engagement. It does not mean you will automatically be disqualified from serving as an FA. We will need to learn more about the situation.

If you are concerned whether your violation will affect your standing, please contact family@northwestern.edu prior submitting your FA application.

I will not be in Evanston in Fall 2024. Can I apply?

Unfortunately, you would not be able to apply. We anticipate hosting Parent and Family Orientation and Family Weekend in person for Fall 2024 and all FAs will need to be in Evanston for training and programming.

If I become an FA, how busy will I be?

We expect you to fully engage in all trainings and programming but with that said, the FA schedule is not as intense as some other campus leadership opportunities. Spring training takes place every other week for two months and you may have a few easy assignments to help develop your leadership skills throughout that time. Hopefully you will also hang out informally with your new FA pals.

During FA Camp and Parent & Family Orientation (PFO) you do not have to contend with fall classes which allows you to fully focus on the FA position. FA Camp and the first two days of Wildcat Welcome (Parent & Family Orientation) are very busy but then you get a break to "get right with the world" before classes begin and will assist with various Wildcat Welcome programming once a day for about 1-3 hours. Assisting with Wildcat Welcome may mean helping outline the N for the Class Photo, taking attendance at required events or helping load buses. FAs are an integral part of the “behind the scenes” work to make Wildcat Welcome run smoothly.

During Family Weekend, Friday tends to be the busiest day with Family Weekend check in starting in the morning and events and activities scheduled throughout the day/evening. Many students are in class and their family members want something to do during the day! With that said, your FA responsibilities will be scheduled around your class schedule. All day/night Saturday and Sunday morning/early afternoon, you will assist with various events and programs, but assignments are typically scattered throughout the weekend. The FA role wraps up after Family Weekend and then we start FA recruitment again in February.