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HTML Cheat Sheet

The following HTML can be used to format instructor and class information in the Class Description Editor.

Note: At this time it is not possible to make clickable links to websites and email addresses in the Editor system. You may enter them (e.g., http://www.northwestern.edu or ctec@northwestern.edu) but users will copy and paste them into a browser or an email program.

To Create Insert


(example: Alice in Wonderland)

<cite>Alice in Wonderland</cite>

Italicized text

(Would the fall never come to an end?)

Would the fall <em>never</em>come to an end?


(...and tied around the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words DRINK ME beautifully printed on it in large letters.)

...and tied around the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words <strong>DRINK ME</strong> beautifully printed on it in large letters.

A paragraph

<p>”What a curious feeling!” said Alice. “I must be shutting up like a telescope!</p>

Add a link break to move text to the next line


Down the Rabbit Hole
The Pool of Tears
A Caucus Race and a Long Tale

Down the Rabbit Hole<br/>
The Pool of Tears<br/>
A Caucus Race and a Long Tale<br/>

Numbered list


  1. Alice in Wonderland  
  2. Through the Looking Glass

<li>Alice in Wonderland</li>
<li>Through the Looking Glass</li>

Bulleted list


  • Alice in Wonderland  
  • Through the Looking Glass

<li>Alice in Wonderland</li>
<li>Through the Looking Glass</li>