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East Side Windows

Healing Window on East Side of Alice Millar


Two large figures in the center of the window evoke the work of mercy captured in the phrase

"I was sick and you visited me."

One represents a sick man with a skull, a reminder that the physician (the second figure) attends to us from birth to death and is the guardian of our physical life. Things to look for: a microscope, test tubes, and other lab equipment; the caduceus (a staff with two intertwined serpents).

Full Image of Healing Window


A dove at the top symbolizes the spirit of the law. Under it at the top symbolizes the spirit of the law. Under it are placed the sword and scales of justice. In one scale are people's actions, good and bad, and also their hopes. In the other scale, outweighing the first are the love, glory, justice and mercy of God. In the center of the window two human figures illustrate the words of the Gospel of St. Matthew:

"I was a prisoner and you came unto me."

A centaur, symbol of evil, is slain by the sword of justice.

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Law Window on East Side of Alice Millar
Discovery Window on East side of Alice Millar


This window celebrates human discovery in the natural world. A large central figure kneels amidst the elements of air, earth, fire and water.

Above is a bird and balloon; below, a fish and bathysphere. Look for symbols of scientific measurement and the elliptical orbits of the atomic model.

Full Image of Discovery Window


The dove at the top of the window represents the Holy Spirit, guiding the hand of the writer. The four Evangelists are represented by the winged man (Matthew), the lion (Mark), the ox (Luke),and the eagle (John). Surrounding these we find that which writers and poets of all ages have sung in all languages and in all nations. Life is represented by a cross; death, by a skull. Men carrying grapes from the Promised Land represent Good, whereas Evil is indicated by a centaur spreading false lights. Look for a bird escaping from its cage, an image of passing from slavery into freedom.

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Literature Window on East Side of Alice Millar
The Arts Window on the East Side of Alice Millar

The Arts

At the top of the window is the lyre, symbol of the arts, lighting up the vivid colors of the painter's palette. The central figure evokes David composing psalms and playing the harp. Singers of a plain song make a crown around him, recalling the words of St. Paul:

"...teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord" (Colossians 3 : 1 6).

Full Image of The Arts Window