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SEVP Student Portal

The  is a tool that F-1 students on post-completion optional practical training (OPT) or STEM OPT extension can use to meet their legal reporting requirements, such as reporting changes to their home address, telephone number and employer information. Students on STEM OPT will not be able to add a new employer or change the start date, but can update their other information about an employer already in the system.

As a student on post-completion OPT or STEM OPT, you will be eligible to use the portal. The portal is accessible from both your mobile device and computer.

We recommend reviewing the , which provides step-by-step instructions for using the portal, before creating your account.

Useful Resources

All of the following links are from DHS Study in the States 

How can I learn more about OPT and STEM OPT reporting requirements?


Who can use the SEVP Student Portal?

  • F-1 International students participating in post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT).
  • F-1 International students participating in a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) OPT extension.

What are the benefits of creating an SEVP Student Portal Account

  • Students can meet their regulatory reporting requirements.
  • It will enhance data integrity.
  • Data entered into the Portal is sent immediately to SEVIS.
  • Students will be able to monitor their employment authorization.
  • Students will be able to edit their profile and employment information.
  • Students will be able to view history.

What information can students on post-completion OPT report via the SEVP Portal?

F-1 students completing practical training can update their:

  • Physical home address
  • Mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Employer information
Please note: It may take up to one month for employment data reported through the SEVP Portal to appear in your employment records in the OISS portal.

What information can students on STEM OPT report via the SEVP Portal?

F-1 students participating in STEM OPT can update their:

  • Physical home address
  • Mailing address
  • Telephone number
F-1 students participating in STEM OPT will not be able to add a new employer or change the start date in the SEVP Portal due to the

Is there a fee I need to pay to create an SEVP Student account?

No, there is no cost associated with creating an account or accessing the Portal.

When can I register with the SEVP Student Portal?

After your OPT application has been approved by USCIS, you will receive an automated email with a registration link on the EAD start date. You will not be able to report OPT information until the OPT start date on your EAD card.

Should I use my 澳门六合彩开奖记录 email address for the SEVP Student Portal?

No, you should not use your 澳门六合彩开奖记录 student email as it will be deactivated after you graduate. We recommend you use a personal email address that you check on a regular basis for future communications and reporting purposes. After you graduate, your NU email address will be deactivated at some point (varies by school and academic level).

Can I change my personal email address to another personal email address?

Yes, OISS can change your email address in SEVIS per your request (send to intoff@northwestern.edu). After this change is completed, you will receive an email notification from the SEVP Student Portal about the change and instructions to log in with your new email address.

What do I do if I have not received the notification email from SEVP?

If you never received the email (please check your SPAM/JUNK folders), you may send a request for an initial SEVP Student Portal email by contacting SEVP@ice.dhs.gov. If you did receive the email but the link expired or you locked your account, you may use a "Password Reset" option on your SEVP Portal log in page, or contact intoff@northwestern.edu to reset your account.

Who should I contact if I need help with my SEVP Student Portal Account?

If you need help with your account, please call the SEVP Response Center at 703-603-3400 and refer to the resources at the top of this page.

Can I ask OISS to update my information in the SEVP Student Portal for me?

DSOs (Designated School Officials in OISS) cannot access the SEVP Student Portal, but if you are approaching a reporting deadline and do not currently have access to your account, OISS can update the information on your behalf directly in SEVIS.

This option should be used as an exception only, and you should make updates in the SEVP Student Portal yourself whenever possible.

DSOs can help with:

  • Requesting the Initial Portal Account Creation email be resent.
  • Requesting the locked student's Portal Account be unlocked.
  • Changing the student's email address for the Portal.

Who should I contact if I notice an error in my information?

Students will be able to edit: Address, telephone number, employer information (except on STEM due to I-983 requirement)

Students should contact OISS to edit: Name, date of birth, email address

My SEVP Portal account is locked. Who should I contact?

After three failed attempts, or if the user does not log in to the Portal for 90 days, the Portal will lock the student out. If your account is locked, you may use a "Password Reset" option on your SEVP Portal log in page, or contact OISS and ask to submit a request in SEVIS to unlock your SEVP Student Portal account.

Am I required to use the SEVP Student Portal?

Yes, this is the current way of reporting information on OPT/STEM OPT.

How long will I have access to the SEVP Student Portal?

You will have access to your SEVP Student Portal for up to 6 months after your OPT ends. SEVP will send an email alert 5 months after your OPT authorization has ended notifying you that your Portal access will end in 30 days. You will receive another email alert on the day your Portal access ends notifying you that the access has ended. It is recommended to make copies/take screenshots of your SEVP Portal records for future reference.

Tips on Reporting via the SEVP Student Portal

  • You should not edit existing employer’s information when changing to a new employer.
  • Do not delete employer’s information if trying to update information, only delete if you never worked for that employer.
  • Report volunteer positions only if they are directly related to your degree.
  • Start of employment should not be backdated more than 10 days.
  • Add DO-NOT-REPLY.SEVP@ICE.DHS.GOV to approved email contacts to avoid emails from going into your Spam/Junk folder.
  • Log in at least every 3 months even if you have nothing to report, to ensure that your SEVP Student Portal account stays active.