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What happens if a student received a police citation or was arrested and charged with a crime?

The student will have to resolve the issue through both the University Hearing and Appeals process as well as the legal system.

The University’s conduct system is completely independent of legal or criminal proceedings. Because of this, incidents may go through both the University conduct system as well as the legal system concurrently. Because the University is not a court room or legal proceeding, the University is also not bound by decisions or outcomes made in a legal venue when determining whether or not a student is responsible for violating a policy. For instance, if a student is cited for noise off-campus, while the citation might not be upheld in court, the student could still be found responsible for a noise violation through the University.

What goes on my official transcript?

A disciplinary outcome of expulsion will be noted on your official transcripts. Suspensions from the Pritzker School of Law and Feinberg School of Medicine are noted on student transcripts. Suspensions of those enrolled in other schools are not noted on a student’s official transcript.

Furthermore, for Deans Certifications and background checks the University will share outcomes that are suspension level or higher. Visit the Records Retention page for more information.

Will my parents or guardians be notified?

Contact with a student’s parents or legal guardians may occur or be required in certain circumstances in connection with a matter involving alleged student misconduct, including when (a) there has been a determination that the student’s use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance constitutes a violation of University policy or any federal, state, or local law and the student is under the age of 21 at the time of disclosure; (b) knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student in connection with an emergency; or (c) the disclosure is otherwise authorized by law and University policy.