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Grant Closeout

The research grant closeout process is a collaborative effort between investigators, administrators, and Accounting Services for Research and Sponsored Programs (ASRSP) to meet all requirements and deliverables per the terms and conditions of the award as the project end date approaches. Closeout Checklist Version 3.9 lists Department (DEPT), Sponsored Research office (SR), Cost Studies, and ASRSP award closeout responsibilities in separate worksheets. To review and print the Department closeout checklist, go to the first tab, DEPT.

The closeout process is initiated by ASRSP sending closeout email from ASRSP Grant and Contract Financial Administrator (GCFA) to Principal Investigator (PI) and Research Administrator. All tasks should be completed in a timely manner in order to comply with the new Uniform Guidance which applies to all federal and federal  flow-through awards.  See .

A web-based award closeout training is available on Sponsored Project Online Training (SPOT) to understand the process, with tools and actions to successfully complete award closeout.  Please log in to myHR Learn to begin the course.

For program income verification during the award closeout process please complete this form:
Program Income Statement Template

If you have additional questions, please email Uniform Guidance at 澳门六合彩开奖记录.