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Emailing Faculty

When you communicate with a faculty member, make a positive impression by communicating thoughtfully. Be courteous. Err on the side of formality. State your request clearly, but be concise.

Below are a few examples of effective and not-so-effective emails to faculty.

Asking to meet for questions about a class


Subject: Question about [Specific Class Topic/Homework Assignment/Reading]

Dear [Professor/Dr.] [Professor’s last name],

My name is [your name]; I am in your [class title] class. I am having trouble understanding [specific class topic/homework assignment/reading]. Unfortunately, I have a regular conflict with your office hours, but would greatly appreciate some guidance on this. Would it be possible to set up a time to meet with you, at your convenience? I am available [dates and times during the week during which you are available].

Thank you,

[Your name]

Not so effective

Subject: Hi

Hey [Mr./Ms.] [Professor’s name],

I was wondering if I could meet with you. I’m having trouble understanding the readings from your class and need a good grade. Can I come by?


[Your Name]

Asking to meet for a general conversation


Subject: Informational Meeting

Dear [Professor/Dr.] [Professor’s last name],

My name is [your name]; I am in your [class title] class. I would greatly appreciate the chance to meet and speak with you about [topic you are interested in—professor’s research, career path, etc.], as I [am interested in the topic/am looking to potentially pursue this line of work/have a background in the topic/etc.].  Would it be best for me to come in during your regular office hours, or would you be available to meet for a one-on-one appointment? I am available [dates and times during which you are available].

Thank you,

[Your name]

Not So Effective

Subject: Meet Up?

Hey [Mr./Ms.] [Professor’s name],

I was hoping we could meet up to chat about your work. Are you free next week?


[Your name]

Asking to meet for a recommendation letter


Subject: Recommendation Question

Dear [Professor/Dr.] [Professor’s last name],

My name is [your name], and I am in your [class title] class. I am enjoying the class so far, especially [aspect of class you enjoy].

I am applying for [job/school/scholarship/etc.], and since I enjoy your class and would like to continue in this field, I am wondering if it would be possible for you to provide a letter of recommendation. I would be glad to send you more information, or if you prefer to meet, I can come to your office. The letter is due in [length of time at least 3 weeks from email date].

Thank you for considering this request,

[Your name]

Not So Effective

Subject: Can I Have a Letter of Recommendation?

Hey [Mr./Ms.] [Professor’s name],

I was wondering if I could get a letter of recommendation from you. I’m applying for [job/school/scholarship/etc.], and it’s due next week. Please let me know if you can do this.


[Your name]

Asking for flexibility consideration

If you are sick, are experiencing a family emergency, or are experiencing some other situation that is making it difficult for you to attend to college, reach out to your instructors. You do not need to provide more information than you’re comfortable with, but let them know the situation, and ask  respectfully whether some flexibility is possible. Your faculty member will make a decision based on the requirements of the course.

Note: If you are experiencing long-term health concerns and/or a disability impacting your academic work, consider reaching out to AccessibleNU about potential academic accommodations. You can also reach out to your academic advisor to talk about this.


Example 1:

Subject: Request for Flexibility

Dear [Professor/Dr.] [Professor’s last name],

My name is [your name], and I am a student in your [name of class] class.  I want to apologize for missing class today. I have been sick with a bad virus for several days, and have not been able to go to class or do much studying. I know that we have an assignment due tomorrow, and I am wondering if it would be possible to have an additional couple of days with that. I very much appreciate any flexibility you can offer.

Thank you,

[Your name]


Example 2:

Subject: Request for Flexibility

Dear [Professor/Dr.] [Professor’s last name],

My name is [your name], and I am a student in your [name of class] class.  I am writing to share that I have been dealing with some health issues [feel free to add any details you are comfortable sharing] and have gotten behind in some of my course work. I have been talking with my academic advisor about this in order to develop a plan for completing my work, and I have also been working with health care providers. I am wondering if it would be possible for me to have an extra few days on our next assignment. Any flexibility you can offer would be very appreciated.

Thank you,

[Your name]

Not So Effective

Subject: Sick

Hey [Mr./Ms.] [Professor’s name],

I've been sick, so I will need more time to turn in the paper that is due tomorrow without penalty. I'll get it to you soon. 


[Your name]